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Verdant @ Verdant - April 2017


Conversation surrounding Creative Practice focusing on an alternative model for artistic exploration. Verdant @ Verdant brings together a group of invited artists who share the desire to widen their audience within an expanding contemporary art practice. 

Verdant @ Verdant aims to expose artistic working processes across a range of media within an alternative 'Open Studios' model in the context of The High Mill. Comprised of current WASPS Meadow Mill tenants, DJCAD Alumni and Lecturers in Contemporary Art Practice, the artists are curious to explore and share their work in response to a building that shares it's geographical plac-ing and industrial history with Meadow Mills which this year celebrates 40 years of WASPS in Dundee.

Informal conversation Chaired by Eddie Summerton. 
The 3 areas for focus are as follows:
1. Practice + Context > Where do we make work? Are we solo flyers or collaborators? Educators? Have multiple roles across the Creative industries?
2. Practice + Sustainability within Dundee & Neighbouring Areas > How do we continue to support (and fund) our developing practice? Where else do we work and with whom are we connected/ af-filiated to? Is the development of a critical dialogue necessary/ within reach when not connected to an institution? Do we operate in other unpaid roles such as committee/ board members for arts or-ganisations or as invited esteemed guests?
3. Practice + Verdant Work > Discussion around the making and conceptual approaches in this fresh context and how the process revealed or challenged working practice and methods. Examin-ing personal practice and laying out that process in the context of the High Mill questioning how artists would like to present/ be represented by/ share practice and engage in critical dialogues with other practitioners.

The artists involved are:
Raz Ullah
Jill Skulina
Rebecca Sharp
Louise Ritchie
Val Norris
Gayle Nelson
Paola McClure
James Lee
Mark Hunter
Scott Hudson 
Trevor Gordon
Delia Baillie

© 2023 by Jill Skulina. Proudly created with

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